Free Upgrades with PowerSurfCentral

PowerSurfCentral is a surf co-op which comprises of Soaring4Traffic, RealHitz4U, and HitSafari. By signing up at PSC and entering your traffic exchange IDs, you will be able to earn more advertising and even get free upgrades just by surfing.

First, you will get a straight 10% (30% if upgraded) credit bonus when surfing Soaring4Traffic, RealHitz4U, and HitSafari together. Surfing 100 pages a day at these three exchanges will give you 30 credits. Doing so for five days a week will give you 150 credits at each TE, and monthly rewards for surfing twenty days out of thirty are 500 credits!

So what about the free upgrades? You will need to surf 200 pages a day at each exchange and earn Power Points. Daily rewards are 100 points, weekly 500 points, and monthly 500 points again. You can also promote your PSC affiliate links at approved exchanges, and earn even more Power Points. 5,000 of these will convert to a one-month upgrade at either Soaring4Traffic, HitSafari, or RealHitz4U. They come with higher surf ratios, commissions, monthly credits, and even random referrals!

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Better than 1:1 Surf Rate with Daily Rewards

Credits earned per click is one of the most important factors determining your surfing efficiency. Everyone wants to earn more while clicking less. Normally, you have to upgrade to get surf rates above 1:1, but with some traffic exchanges, you can do that even as a free member.

The key is a LFMTE mod called Daily Rewards, which provides an increasing amount of credits for surfing just 50 sites every day. It doesn’t take very long, but you do need to login and surf daily, or the rewards reset back to level 1.

Depending on the particular TE, a level 1 daily reward will give you 2 to 5 credits… Hardly worth talking about. But if you can stay dedicated for several months, you will be earning an extra 20-30 credits after finishing your 50 sites, and the maximum level 10 can give you as much as 55 credits. That is in addition to your usual earnings from surfing!

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RedStagHits Review

It has been a while since I’ve joined a newly-launched traffic exchange, but seeing Red Stag Hits promoted all over the place made me give in. I have now used the site for about two weeks, and I have a good general impression about it.

First, let’s get the basic information out of the way. The exchange is owned by Debbie Nicholson, and uses a modern LFMTE script with a bunch of mods. They have ViralTrafficGames, Zubees (including the Emerald Hunter game), and CTP badges. The site loads nice and fast most all the time, although I’ve experienced some hiccups a few days ago, so it’s not quite as rock-solid as EasyHits4U or other giants. At the time of writing, the exchange has about 2,000 members.

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Traffic Exchanges with Geotargeting

While geo-targeting is a rather useful feature for a traffic exchange, it seems it never really caught on in the TE industry. TrafficG, for example, introduced geotargeting several years ago, but even now you can almost count the sites which offer this feature on the fingers of one hand. Considering there are thousands of manual TEs out there, this is a very small number. Here’s the unfortunately short list of the ones I know:

On the bright side, all these exchanges have lots of members and can send hits relatively quick. But what if your favorite site, the one you bought a lifetime upgrade at and the one you surf every day, does not have the coveted geotargeting capabilities? As it happens, there are several solutions available.

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Automating Autosurfs: Make Them 100% Passive

One of the main concerns people have about autosurfs is whether they’re worth their time. Certainly, if you have to “babysit” your browser and restart things manually every few hours, it becomes a chore, and low earnings when you’re just starting out don’t help you stay motivated, either. But the main benefit of autosurfing is that it can be completely passive and work even when you’re away from the computer. That’s why you should spend some time automating the whole thing. Then you can sit back and relax, and let automatic traffic exchanges do the work for you.

I have already described a way to launch “no-login” surfbars all at once by setting them as Firefox home page in the Surfing Tips section. Now I’m going to show you one of the ways to set up automatic restarting for your browser, so your PC can run autosurfs for weeks or months with no supervision whatsoever.

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