As a member of tens of traffic exchanges, I receive a lot of TE news in my e-mail inbox (thank you GMail for the great Filters system). Today I’ve received several e-mails promoting a new ClickBank product called Clickbank Pirate. Usually I am not one to give in to the hype (in fact, this is only the second CB product I’ve ever bought) but I decided to give it a try. Hey, if this fails to make me money, I can always start complaining and blame the creators of this system! :)
CBPirate, to put it simply, provides you with professionally designed promotional tools for several Clickbank products. The most important of those are squeeze pages (splash pages with opt-in forms for visitors’ name and e-mail). All you have to do is send traffic to the squeeze pages that you are given. In our case, it will probably be traffic from various traffic exchanges – and that’s just fine, too. You can also use forum signatures, e-mail sigs, PPC advertising and whatever else you like.
Some of the visitors that you send to CBPirate squeeze pages will inevitably sign up to receive the free information. That’s it: your job is done! Clickbank Pirate picks up from here and sends out free reports and promotional e-mails with your affiliate links. This way once you get a visitor to signup, you will keep earning commissions from any purchases they make.
You send traffic… They do the hard work. Sure sounds nice. But will it really work? It all boils down to how effective the squeeze pages are (e.g. the conversion rates), especially when everyone will start using them heavily on traffic exchanges. The Clickbank Pirate membership fee is $47 one time payment + $27 a month, so breaking even should be possible with just a few sales.
I just joined a few hours ago so it remains to be seen if this will work for me. It does look pretty promising so far though, and the idea that all you have to do is send traffic sure sounds nice. I’ll keep you updated on my blog.
Go ahead and become a Clickbank Pirate like me. Arrrrrr!