Free URL Rotator

What Is a Site Rotator and Why You Need It

A site rotator is software that picks an URL from a list (either randomly, or based on priority rules) and displays it to the visitor. Rotators are very useful when you want to promote multiple websites using a single URL or do some split testing. If you are a TE user, for example, and want to promote 50 splash pages while the exchange only allows up to 3 websites, you will want to use a rotator. Also, when adding a new URL, you will only have to do it in the rotator itself, and not in the 100s of traffic exchanges that you are a member of!

A sophisticated URL rotator will not only be able to rotate your sites randomly, but also assign priorities (so you can show selected pages more often), track statistics, and even filter domains (meaning if a visitor comes from “site A”, we do not show him pages that advertise “site A”, thus saving credits).

There are a lot of options when it comes to rotators. You can either host your own URL rotator script, or use one of the many online services. When choosing an online service, you usually want to make sure that the maximum number of URLs allowed is enough for you, and the additional features, such as hit tracking, are included.

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Legacy Team Coop Review

It seems traffic co-op sites are popping up one after another these days. The newest one is called Legacy Team Coop, and it’s growing very fast for being launched just a few days ago. Seeing how it’s owned by the same folks that run LegacyHits, you know it’s going to be a reliable and profitable program.

The way it works is the same as Explosive Traffic and TE-JV that I wrote about before: you promote your JV link (basically a massive rotator with other members’ sites) in traffic exchanges, and in turn, other members of LTC promote your websites. This allows you to show your promotional pages to surfers of TEs that you aren’t a member of. In addition, you can also promote banners and text links, although those have to be purchased for cash.

Just like with Explosive Traffic, at LTC you can view your traffic sources and block the ones you don’t like. Sources like autosurfs are, of course, banned automatically. This should result in high quality traffic. So far my credits are being used at a fast rate, and shows I’m getting 71% unique hits.

Upgrades are quite affordable (starting from $3 a month) and give you higher earnings per view, monthly credits, as well as increased cash commissions. There’s also a pretty good OTO you’ll get once you login for the first time that I recommend taking.

If you plan on using a traffic co-op at all, I suggest joining Legacy Team Coop as soon as possible and start promoting! It’s always a lot easier to get referrals when the program is new.

TE-JV Review

You see TE-JV ads more and more often on traffic exchanges these days, claiming they will send you visitors with no surfing required. So how does that work, exactly? At its core, TE-JV is a traffic co-op site, very similar in nature to ExplosiveTraffic which I reviewed earlier. You are given a “JV link” to promote in traffic exchanges. This will earn you credits which you’ll be able to use to promote your own sites. You will reach a wider audience this way, since TE-JV gets hits from hundreds of different exchanges.

Unlike ExplosiveTraffic, TE-JV offers geotargeting, which is a highly useful feature. They also give you an option to earn credits or cash by visiting and approving sites of other members. In addition, there’s a downline builder with some popular TEs and related programs listed.

All these things make the member area quite busy and overwhelming, but thankfully, there’s a guide to help new members out. All you really have to remember is that you promote your JV link in traffic exchanges (not through a rotator, but directly), earn credits for doing that, and assign them to your sites on TE-JV.

So what’s this about “no surfing required”? Indeed, I don’t know why the promo materials say that, when you do have to surf TEs to promote your link and earn credits – unless you pay or upgrade, that is! Speaking of upgrades, you will be given an OTO for a lifetime upgrade when you signup. I recommend taking it as it will provide you with 750 credits every month for life, not a bad deal at all. Redesign

I’ve recently replaced the rather horrible design of with something more sleek and modern. Hopefully the new look will be easier on the eyes. The redesign includes the manual and auto splash pages as well, so I’m also anticipating more signups from traffic exchanges. In addition to the new look, the backend was also upgraded to a modern blogging system.

One thing that didn’t change much is the homepage: it still includes both auto and manual TE lists. I was hesitant to leave it this way because some users might have trouble reading the small fonts. However, I do like having everything in one place, and if you have trouble reading the text you can use the separate manual and autosurf as they have bigger fonts.

Explosive Traffic Co-Op

It has been a while since I joined any new programs since I’m busy enough surfing my current traffic exchanges. However, Explosive Traffic is not a TE, but rather a traffic co-op built with TE surfers in mind. It allows you to get more credits from a wider range of TEs, by surfing the same sites you usually do.

Here’s how it works. You earn credits at Explosive Traffic by sending traffic to the co-op rotator. Then you can use those credits to put your own sites on the rotator, which will be displayed on approved sources around the web by thousands of members.

Why not just advertise your sites in traffic exchanges directly like before? Here are the main pros of using Explosive Traffic:

  • You can surf your favorite TEs, but get traffic from thousands of others. In other words, you reach a wider audience.
  • If you upgrade, you can actually get more traffic than you send (1.2 view for your sites per 1 view you send to the co-op).
  • You can also earn 50% commissions as an upgraded member.

I am already getting traffic to my websites from this program. I am sure it’s going to become huge in the traffic exchange world! Join Explosive Traffic now and try it for yourself.